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Immersive imaging, panoramic photography

Red Bull Airrace

You know, once you know what it feels like to be a yellow tulip, being packed in a crows of 700.000 people watching the Red Bull Airrace doesn't feel all that different ;-)

Here's a panorama I took this afternoon near the Erasmusbrug.

An 8mm fisheye lens isn't the most ideal lens to capture tiny aircraft whizzing by at 300+ kph, but the panorama illustrates the huge number of people present.


Lomo fisheye camera

Today I received a package containing no less than 4 cameras with fisheye lenses. "Business must be going well" you might think... Not that it isn't, but if I tell you the cameras are from Lomo, you might start to realise it's not actually all that impressive price-wise ;-)

The art of Lomography is to 'shoot from the hip'. From wikipedia:

What it feels like to be a yellow tulip

My camera breaking was especially irritating since last weekend was the IVRPA Panoramic Flower Power Weekend; A gathering of a small number of IVRPA members, visiting the Panorama Mesdag exhibit and several flowery events. Fortunately, Jan van der Woning lent me his D70 body so I could make some panos anyway.

I have probably seen enough flowers to last me the rest of the summer, but this is what it feels like to be a yellow tulip.


Oostende Kite Festival 2004 panoramas

After attending a couple of kite festivals for a couple of years, last year Tessa and I were officially invited to attend the Oostende Kite Festival 2004. That was our first invitation, based on how some of our kites looked... We had a great time!

My panoramas are going places!

The Panorama Mesdag museum is currently hosting an exhibition of panoramic photos by members of the IVRPA (International VR Photographers Association, formerly the IQTVRA). The exhibit includes 4 images by myself, including a hyperbolic view of the Widnmills of Kinderdijk. That particular image was chosen to represent the exhibition to the public, so it will appear in some tourist magazines etc.


The headless horserider.. er... mac mini

My mac mini finally arrived last friday. First impressions: man, that's mini!

I convinced myself I'ld need a mac mini to testdrive my panoramic viewing engine. Unfortunately the 32 Mb of video RAM is really the lower end of the range of what's acceptable on OS X for my stuff. OS X also takes up quite some video memory to achieve it's spiffy Exposé etc tricks. However, other hardware accellerated panorama engines are starting to appear for OS X, and they have a bit better performance even on this mac mini, so I should be able to squeeze a bit more out of it myself...

SPi-V featured on VRMag

Just got word VRMag has launched their article about SPi-V and an interview with yours truly. Just in time for an update to version 1.2.



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